7 research outputs found

    Характеристика історіографії та джерельної бази дослідження проблеми наступності в трудовому вихованні дітей дошкільного та молодшого шкільного віку (кінець ХІХ – 30-ті роки ХХ століття)

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    The article shows characteristics of historiography and source base for the research of continuity in labor education of preschool and primary school children in the national educational thought (end of XIX – 30-th years of XX century). The common ideas of classification of historiography and the source base is shown. Submitted the characteristics of chronological limits of historical and pedagogical problem. Underlined the groups of sources: literal (reference, scientific, journalistic), archival (regulations, original documentation, secondary documentation, personal documents, memoirs, statistical materials). Pointed out the key aspects of researching of represented problem.У статті подана характеристика історіографії та джерельної бази дослідження проблеми наступності в трудовому вихованні дітей дошкільного та молодшого шкільного віку у вітчизняній педагогічній думці (кінець ХІХ – 30-ті роки ХХ століття). Розкрито основні підходи до класифікації історіографії та джерельної бази, подано результати власного пошуку автора.  Охарактеризовані хронологічні межі історико-педагогічного дослідження та виокремлено групи джерел: літературні (довідкові, наукові, публіцистичні), архівні (нормативні документи, первинна документація, вторинні документи, особові документи, мемуари, статистичні матеріали). Виокремлені ключові аспекти вивчення представленої проблеми

    The use of digital tools in interdisciplinary projects of students’ personal and professional self-development

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    The article reveals the problem of using digital tools in the context of blended and distance learning. The purpose of the study - to prove the effectiveness of using digital tools in interdisciplinary projects of students` personal and professional self-development. Different approaches in modern scientific discourse of above mentioned problem are highlighted. Groups of digital tools that should be used at each stage of the interdisciplinary project is specified and characterized. The article contains author's practical developments and examples on using digital tools to fulfill the tasks of educational disciplines, which are integrated in interdisciplinary projects, implemented in the process of researching the scientific topic "Psychological and pedagogical support of personal and professional development of future teachers in the implementation of new educational standards". The results of the empirical study of the effectiveness of using digital tools in interdisciplinary projects are summarized according to certain indicators: value-motivated, cognitive, self-learning, procedural, self-movement. The purpose has been achieved by comparing quantitative and qualitative assessments of the dynamics of indicators of high level students’ personal and professional self-development in control and experimental groups. The statistical significance of the study results has been verified by applying Student t-criterion. It has been proved that as a result of using digital tools in the interdisciplinary project the students of the experimental group significantly increased the level of personal and professional self-development

    Practices of psychological and pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal and professional development in the conditions of distance learning

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    The article highlights the intermediate results of the research "Psychological and pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal and professional development in the conditions of new educational standards’ implementation in Ukraine". Various theoretical aspects as well as adapted and original practices are characterized. The experience of the authors regarding the implementation of the components - value-worldview, process-activity, emotional-resource during the motivational-cognitive, constructive-active, reflective-prognostic, value-identification stages is highlighted. Effective author's practices are presented - adaptation trainings, portfolio of personal and professional growth in the context of performance of work functions; formation of end-to-end skills of future teachers by means of digital technologies and tools (GDocs, GMeet, Zoom, Canva, MindMeister, Mentimeter, digital boards); adaptation of active learning technologies in the distance learning format (case-technologies, game, project technologies, SWOT analysis). A complex of technologies (role-playing games, training technologies, art-therapy) is presented, which contribute to the development of the emotional intelligence of future teachers in the context of the formation of professional competencies - psychological, emotional-ethical, reflective, psycho-emotional. The research was carried out in an interdisciplinary scientific field, which requires next stages of the scientific search for correction, generalization of the results of psychological and pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal and professional development

    Continuity in Upbringing and Education of Preschool and Primary School Age Children in the Historical and Pedagogical Context of end of the XIX – Early XX Century

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    Стаття присвячена висвітленню проблеми становлення та розвитку ідей наступності у вихованні й навчанні дітей дошкільного та молодшого шкільного віку в педагогічній теорії і практиці українського шкільництва кінця ХІХ – на початку ХХ століття. Історико-педагогічний аналіз означеного феномену в цих хронологічних межах дав змогу вивчити сутність ідей наступності у вихованні, навчанні дітей дошкільного та молодшого шкільного віку: підготовленість дитини дошкільного віку до навчання в школі; реформування початкової школи на ідеях дошкільного виховання; єдність організаційних форм, принципів, методів роботи дошкільних закладів та початкової школи; наступність змісту навчання й виховання дитини. Ці розвідки виявили нові факти, що характеризують поступ ідей наступності.The article is devoted to the problems of development of ideas of continuity in the upbringing and education of preschool and primary school age children in the theory and practice of the late XIX – early XX century. Continuity as a phenomenon that characterizes the internal organic connection of universal, physical and spiritual development of the preschool and primary school age children, internal training during the transition from one stage of identity formation to another is considered. The purpose of the article is to describe the development of ideas of continuity in the upbringing and education of preschool and primary school age children in the theory and practice of the late XIX – early XX century. The following research methods are used in the study: the method of genetic analysis of historical sources for reconstruction of continuity as pedagogical phenomenon; theoretical analysis of educational thought to isolation characteristics and continuity. The article analyzes the views of prominent scientists of late XIX – early XX century, namely Nataliia Lubenets, Timothy Lubenets, Sofia Rusova, Stepan Siropolko, Jakiv Chipiga, Anton Makarenko, Antonina Hendryhivska. To study the peculiarities of practical realization of the ideas of continuity in the upbringing and education of preschool and primary school age children, in the indicated chronological limits, archival documents of definite period are studied, which are situated in the Central State Historical Archives of Kyiv and the Central State Archives of higher authorities and government of Ukraine. Historical and pedagogical analysis of the definition of the phenomenon in these chronological limits allowed to explore the essence of ideas of continuity in the upbringing and education of preschool and primary school age children: school age child readiness for school; reforming primary school on the idea of pre-school education; unity of organizational forms, principles, methods of pre-schools and primary schools; continuity of the content of training and education of the child. Detection of new facts expand the realm of history of education for the development of ideas of continuity in educational thought and practice of Ukrainian education. Against this background of considerable scientific and practical interest is the further study of the nature and ways of realization of continuity in labor education of children of preschool and primary school age

    Ideas of Child-Oriented in Pedagogical Views of Tymofiy Lubenets

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    У статті висвітлено результати історико-педагогічного пошуку сутності ідей дитиноцентризму в теоретико-практичній спадщині Тимофія Лубенця, що є суголосними особистісно-орієнтованій концепції освіти дітей. З’ясовано й узагальнено ключові ідеї дитиноцентризму, а саме: дитина – найвища цінність, підготовка дитини до життя, освіта людини в широкому сенсі, навчання і виховання у праці. Вивчення теоретичних праць і практики педагогічної діяльності Тимофія Лубенця уможливило зробити висновок про сучасність ідей дитиноцентризму, оскільки дошкільна і початкова освіта в Україні потребує переосмислення й розбудови навчання і виховання, зорієнтованих на дитину, її інтереси, потреби.The article presents the results of historical and pedagogical studies of the ideas of child-oriented in Tymofiy Lubenets’s theoretical and practical heritage. These ideas are in unison to the individual-oriented concept of child education. The subject of «child-oriented» we consider as orientation in educational process to the interests and needs of every single child. However, the article does not constitute scientific research on formation and development of the concept of child-centrism. This concept is used in the article as saying generally employed, which does not require to be confirmed by the research on its formation. The aim of the article is the highlighting the results of historical and pedagogical analysis of contribution of Tymofiy Lubenets, in particular his ideas of child-oriented to the pedagogical theory and practice of child education in the end of XIX – the beginning of XX century. During the preparation of the article we studied some problems, that performed at works of contemporary Ukrainian scientists, which became the basis of the study exactly the ideas of child-oriented in pedagogical heritage of Tymofiy Grigorovich Lubenets. We study the heritage of Tymofiy Lubenets because of his huge contribution to the theory and practice of education in the end of XIX – the beginning of XX century and because of actualization of this problem in contemporary educational area that is based on individual-oriented approach. The author found and generalized the key ideas of child-oriented, namely: child is the highest value, preparing the child for life in the society, education of person in the broadest sense, training and education in labor activity. Separation of these ideas is based on the analysis and synthesis of the creative heritage of outstanding teachers, which is an inexhaustible source for modern scholars in the field of pedagogy. The study of theoretical work and everyday practice of Tymofiy Lubenets enabled to conclude the modernity of child-oriented ideas, as a modern pre-school and primary education needs rethinking and development of training and education oriented on child’s interests and needs. The prospects for further research on the preparation of future teachers to implement the principle of child-oriented and development of content and methods of training and education of children on the basis of child-oriented are proposed

    Psychological Features of Subjective Semantic Fields of Future Teachers with Different Types of Professional Orientation

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    У статті подано результати дослідження наукової проблеми психологічних особливостей субʼєктивних семантичних полів понять у студентів педагогічних спеціальностей із різним типом професійної спрямованості (соціальним, артистичним, підприємницьким, інтелектуальним, реалістичним, конвенціональним). Для досягнення мети дослідження обрано адекватний інструментарій: метод семантичного диференціалу Ч. Осґуда, опитувальник із визначення типу особистості Дж. Голланда. Установлено, що запропоновані методики дали змогу виявити позитивно забарвлені асоціації на стимул, що поєднують із педагогічною діяльністю та реакції, що свідчать про нейтральне, а подекуди й негативне ставлення до обраної професії педагога.The article presents the results of research of psychological features of subjective semantic fields of concepts in students with different types of pedagogical orientation, which is of scientific and practical interest. Theoretical analysis of scientific works is carried out, in which various issues of motivation for the choice and entry of a teacher into professional activity are covered. To achieve the goal of the study, adequate tools were selected: the method of semantic differential Ch. Osgood, a questionnaire to determine the type of personality of J. Holland. The subjective semantic fields of the concept-stimulus “teacher” in the first-year students of pedagogical specialties by certain types of their professional orientation are characterized. It is revealed that the psychological features of the semantic fields of concepts related to pedagogical activity differ in students of pedagogical specialties with different types of professional orientation. It is established that freshmen of social, artistic and entrepreneurial types show positively colored associations with the stimulus connected with pedagogical activity. In contrast to this group, students of other types of professional orientation show reactions that indicate a neutral, and sometimes negative attitude towards the chosen profession. It is determined that participants with social, artistic and entrepreneurial types of professional orientation in comparison with students of intellectual, realistic and conventional types are more inclined to evaluate the teacher as active and strong. The obtained results of the research prove the prospects of using the methods of free associations and semantic differential with the word-stimulus “teacher” in the process of choosing a profession by a person. According to the reactions of students to these stimuli, it is possible to indirectly diagnose the professional orientation of the student and his positive (negative, neutral) attitude to the teaching profession. This can serve as a basis for updating the content of training future teachers. Prospects for further research are identified, which are to study the problem on a wider sample of respondents and to study the specifics of gender differences in the responses of recipients to study the difference in reactions to appropriate concept-stimulus of students of different pedagogical specialties